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Knowing is Loving: Women’s Participation in Science

Information on the conferences

In June 2022, the fifth cycle of virtual conferences entitled “Women’s participation in science” was launched by four renowned scientists, whose professional careers provide us with a glimpse of the fascinating paths that these students can take, with special emphasis on girls and young people.

The lectures were held in the month of June and July at 10 a.m. and were distributed as follows:

  • Wednesday, June 22: Biological diversity. Case: Palm trees in Peru, an ethnobotanical vision. Speaker: Dc Betty Millán.
  • Wednesday, July 6: Zoological diversity. Case: Bird conservation on the coast. Black Vulture gives a Warning. Speaker: Letty Salinas
  • Wednesday, July 13: Biodiversity. Case: Carob tree conservation in the Pómac Forest. Speaker: Gisella Orjeda
  • Wednesday, July 20: Mountain ecosystems. Case: Ecological restoration and conservation. Speaker: Dc Beatriz Fuentealba.

Information on the Speakers

Betty Millán

PhD in Biological Sciences from UNMSM, specialized in Plant Anatomy and Systematics, especially of the Arecaceae family (palm trees).

Director of the Natural History Museum from 2010 to 2016 and Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Biological Sciences of UNMSM. Dean of the Department of Biological Sciences, UNMSM from 2016 to date.

She is the National Coordinator of Peru for the Global Initiative on Taxonomy of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Member of the Latin American Botanical Association. She is also an Associate Scholar at the National Academy of Sciences (ANC). Research Associate at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Betty Millán, PhD in Biological Sciences from UNMSM

Letty Salinas

Head of the Department of Ornithology of the Museum of Natural History of the National University of San Marcos, she is an Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology.

With 25 years of experience in research on the ecology and conservation of birds in Peru, especially in arid and semi-arid environments, and in aspects of plant-bird interaction. She has published numerous articles and contributions at national and international congresses, and has written chapters and books on birds. She is a CITES authority for his specialty and a member of commissions for MINAM and MINAGRI. Creator and director of the Environmental Education Program “Knowing Our Birds”.

Letty Salinas, Associate Professor of the Department of Zoology, UNMSM

Guisella Orjeda

Biologist from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom and M.Sc in Genetic Improvement.

President of the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) from 2012 to 2017, she has broad international recognition and has coordinated several networks of scientists, such as the Latin American network on solanaceae, LATSOL.

She has been the principal investigator of the potato genome sequencing project in Peru and was the focal point of the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium in Latin America and a member of the global board of directors.

Guisella Orjeda, Biologist from UNALM

Beatriz Fuentealba

A biologist from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, she has a master’s degree in Ecological Restoration and a PhD in Integral Landscape Management, both degrees obtained at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

She has specialized in issues of ecosystem management, ecological restoration and silvopastoral systems. In recent years, she has dedicated himself to integrating this ecological and multidisciplinary vision into research into the conservation and recovery of mountain ecosystems. She is currently the Director of the Directorate of Research in Mountain Ecosystems.


Beatriz Fuentealba, Biologist from UNALM

Biological diversity. Case: Palm trees in Peru, an ethnobotanical vision.

Zoological diversity. Case: Bird conservation on the coast. Black Vulture gives a Warning.

Biodiversity. Case: Carob tree conservation in the Pómac Forest.

Mountain ecosystems. Case: Ecological restoration and conservation.